I’ve left my site to linger a bit because I’ve always struggled with this feeling of “who the hell am I to be posting stuff publicly?”. It always felt a little conceited or self-aggrandizing. At the same time, I find myself working on all sorts of tech projects or finding solutions to weird Linux issues. I’ve been keeping them in my own personal Vimwiki, but it occurred to me that these might actually be useful for other people—and also for future me who forgot what I did to make something work.

So, I’ve decided to update the site to be that. A place for my tech notes, tips and tricks, and also recipes. It’s super nice to have recipes on my website that I can go to or direct my wife to when we are trying to make dinner—not filled with ads or a bullshit story about how the food makes me feel.


This site depends on the following projects:

I’d like to give a special shout out to the theme’s author Michael Schnerring a smarter Swiss version of me apparently. His site is definitely worth checking out.

The theme is licensed under MIT.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.